A ONE-YEAR-OLD 737-800

Flying to Mandalay with Myanmar National Airlines. I could book my flight, purchase a ticket, and even select a seat easily online.

Business class passengers can ride a dedicated ramp bus to the remote gate.

The ship was a one-year-old 737-800 and I enjoyed the smell of a new plane.

While the flight time was just 55 minutes, they served a hot meal. I was pretty impressed. State-owned carrier Myanmar National Airlines is Myanmar's oldest airline that was founded as the Union of Burma Airways in the late 1940s. They went through a rebranding in 2014 then resumed international services for the first time in 22 years. These brand-new planes, quality service, and their sophisticated online reservation system tell they are now on the way to becoming a true national flag career with world-class reliability. Myanmar National B737-800 RGN-MDL. The 687th flight in my lifetime.
フライトタイムがたった55分なのにホットミールを出すのはなかなかすごい。国営のミャンマー・ナショナル航空は1940年代後期にビルマ連邦航空として発足。2014年にリブランディングを行ったあと、22年間にわたって失われていた国際線を再開した。この様な最新鋭機の導入と質の高いサービス、そして洗練されたオンライン予約システムは、彼らがワールドクラスの信頼性を持つ真のナショナルフラッグキャリアへの道を進んでいる証しだろう。ミャンマー・ナショナル B737-800 RGN-MDL。生涯687フライト目。
