Flying back to NRT. I boarded a 767-300 as usual...

...and took my usual seat 7D. Then something unusual happened. They found the lavatory system on the plane was inoperatable. We had to deplane.

They said the departure of our Narita flight could be delayed for 2 hours. So I went to Delta Sky Club and monitored the situation on the tarmac having a cup of coffee. It looked like Delta was going to swap planes and they announced that our Narita flight was now using another 767 which just arrived from Seoul at the next gate (right). The 767 I deplaned from (left) was now assigned to the later flight bound for Beijing and it seemed like they were trying to repair the lavatory before its departure. Because luckily all these Narita, Seoul, Beijing flights were using the 767-300, well-orchestrated last minutes plane swaps, which could minimize each delay, were possible.
現時点で成田行きの出発は2時間遅れる。そこでデルタ スカイクラブに行って、コーヒーを飲みながらターマックの状況を見守ることにした。どうやらデルタはシップチェンジをするようで、僕が乗る成田便はソウルから隣のゲートに到着したばかりの別の767(右)を使うとのこと。さっき降機した767(左)は出発時刻が遅い北京行きにまわし、その出発までにトイレを修理するつもりらしい。ラッキーなことに成田線、ソウル線、北京線のすべてが767-300で運航されているため、それぞれのディレイが最小限になるように良く計算された緊急シップチェンジができた。

The second boarding time. This time I got on 19yo N1200K.

Then I came back to another 7D. Swapping planes means that the airline has to do a lot of things as quickly as possible. They have to move the cargo, checked-in luggage, and catering. Then, they need to double-check the fuel. However, my Delta app now shows the delay could be reduced to about one hour upon the arrival at Narita. Good job, Delta. Delta B767-300 SEA-NRT. The 694th flight in my lifetime.
で、また別の7Dに戻ってきた。シップチェンジが起きると、エアラインはカーゴ、預け入れ手荷物、ケータリングの移動など様々なことをできる限りすばやく行わなくてはならない。燃料の再確認も必要になってくる。でもデルタのアプリケーションによると、成田到着時のディレイは1時間程度にまで短縮されていた。デルタ、実にいい仕事してます。デルタ B767-300 SEA-NRT。生涯694フライト目。
